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An Interview with...2019 PTP Team

An Interview with...Volunteer Coordinator, Lucy

PTP: So, where are you from and how did you hear about the Perhentian Turtle Project?

Lucy: I am from the Peak District in the north of England, which is the most landlocked place in the UK. I graduated about six months ago with a Master's in Marine Systems and Remote Sensing, therefore I have been doing the usual of searching for jobs. I found out about the Perhentian Turtle Project online, and found the Volunteer Coordinator position on 'Conservation Jobs' among a few other sites.

PTP: If a kid walked up to you asking for your advice and you only had a few minutes to give them your best tip, what would it be?

Lucy: Don’t conform, question everything and do yoga.

PTP: As everyone debates whether our climate is actually changing, NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) has stated that the overall global temperature has increased by 0.8 degrees Celcius since 1880. As we know, sea turtle hatching’s sexes are determined by the ambient temperature of the sand during the incubation period, therefore more females have been hatching due to this increasing global temperature. With this in mind could you tell me: what’s your favourite movie?

Lucy: Good question, with that in mind I would have to say that it depends on my mood, but potentially 'Jaws', as that was the first film that got me interested in sharks since I was kid.

PTP: What would the name of your debut album be?

Lucy: Awas [the name of the resident turtle cushion]

PTP: We received a few questions from our followers on Instagram, one question from

@hughhefnertheturtle was: are any of you single?

Lucy: I, myself, am single and ready to mingle. I believe Tom and Melisa may be single too. Whether they are ready to mingle or not, I don’t know.

PTP: @hughhefnertheturtle also asked what is your type on paper?

Lucy: Scaly, shiny carapace, long tail, smooth shell. Tall, dark and handsome as well.

PTP: is there anything else you would like to add about yourself or the project?

Lucy: I would say that I have mixed feelings about ecotourism, but I would say that this project is a good one to choose if you want to work or volunteer because it is very strongly community based and not as commercial as other organisations, I feel. About myself, well I really like mayonnaise and Malaysian mayonnaise is actually OK. Also, my favourite turtle in our database is Baby Kev.

An Interview with...Volunteer Coordinator, Charlie

PTP: Where are you from and how did you hear about the Perhentian Turtle Project?

Charlie: I am from Oxford, UK. I found out about the project when I saw the advertising for this job on WiseOceans.

PTP: If a kid walked up to you asking for your advice and you only had a few minutes to give them your best tip, what would it be?

Charlie: As most younger people think they know everything at their age, I would say to always keep your mind open to everything, because you may think it’s the right thing at the time but you might change your mind later on.

PTP: What form would your patronus take?

Charlie: Thestral. I like to think I’m dark and mysterious.

PTP: If you were a tree, what species would you be and why?

Charlie: I’d like to think I’m an oak because I’d like to think I’m wise, but I’d probably some sort of fruit tree, like a mango tree.

PTP: If a tiger shark and a great white shark fought, who do you think would win and why?

Charlie: Hmm, that's a tricky one. I think a tiger shark, as they appear to be quite stealthy.

PTP: Is there anything else you would like to add about yourself or the project?

Charlie: I wish we got avocados here, I also miss having pudding as I love sugar. The project is good in my opinion, however it might not be for everyone, because some people might want to be working for a bigger organisation, whereas others enjoy the small-scale immersive community feel. So, it depends when you travel, what you prefer to do, whether it be for the environment or tourism and culture.

An Interview with...Volunteer Coordinator, Steph

PTP: Where are you from and how did you hear about the Perhentian Turtle Project?

Steph: I’m half English and half American but I’ve been fortunate enough to grow up in a number of different countries throughout my life. I found out about the volunteer coordinator role for the Perhentian Turtle Project on WiseOceans.

PTP: If a kid walked up to you asking for your advice and you only had a few minutes to give them your best tip, what would it be?

Steph: I would have to say treat others the way you would want to be treated.

PTP: A penguin walks through that door right now wearing a sombrero. What does he say and why is he here?

Steph: Great question, I’d have to say he’s here to meet Hugh our resident stuffed turtle (Instagram handle: @hughhefnertheturtle). Hugh has friends from all over so that seems like the most logical explanation. He’d probably just ask for a taco, since he’s wearing a sombrero…

PTP: Is there anything else you would like to add about yourself or the project?

Steph: I love living on an island and being in the water all day every day, so if that sounds like something you’d be interested in then check out the project. Whether to volunteer or join us a staff member. Also, the coconuts here are huge which is a big plus.

An Interview with...Project Manager, Melisa

PTP: Where are you from and how did you hear about the Perhentian Turtle Project?

Melisa: I’m from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and I heard about the Perhentian Turtle Project through a radio station when I was sixteen. However, back then it wasn’t known as Perhentian Turtle Project it was known as Help Our Penyus (HOPE) and it was based at Bubbles Dive Resort, when Dan set it up at the beginning. Eventually, the project moved out of Bubbles and became the Perhentian Turtle Project.

PTP: If a kid walked up to you asking for your advice and you only had a few minutes to give them your best tip, what would it be?

Melisa: Respect others, always be open minded and always try to put yourself in the shoes of others.

PTP: Marine turtles appeared approximately 150 million years ago in the Late Jurassic period, measuring to approximately 2m total length. Knowing this, could you tell me what your favourite dinosaur is?

Melisa: Stegosaurus, as I like the herbivorous ones because they’re cute.

PTP: If you could compare yourself to any animal (like a spirit animal) what would it be and why?

Melisa: I think I would be a jellyfish. Because they just float and I like water, without water I’m nothing. Jellyfish look pretty, but could give a nasty sting.

PTP: We had a question from one of our followers on Instagram (@veronicamcornelius) asking how to be part of the team. Could you let us know how people could come volunteer or intern with the Perhentian Turtle Project?

Melisa: So, if it’s just volunteering definitely check out our website or and everything you need to know about volunteering will be on either website. If you want to intern for our project then look out for our job advertisements for internships from August to October. We usually close the application process in the middle of November.

PTP: Anything to add with your previous experiences? How about what chocolate bar you would be?

Melisa: Any dark chocolate, but also I love Kit-Kats. My previous experience started with sea turtle conservation because I wanted more experience in marine biology. I then kept coming back to volunteer and intern with the Perhentian Turtle Project.

PTP: IS there anything else you would like to add about yourself or the project?

Melisa: No, I tan really easily but I’m Malaysian, I promise.

Perhentian Turtle Project team for 2019.

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